Identity provider
H2O AI Hybrid Cloud (H2OAIC) utilizes a compatible OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider, such as Keycloak, to authenticate and authorize users in both the App Store and Wave apps. This allows for easy integration and federation with other services like SAML and LDAP.
User roles
The actions a user may perform within the H2O AI Hybrid Cloud depends on the user's role, as documented in the Authorization section of the user guide.
The user's role is based on the OIDC access token claims returned by the identity provider.
This is configurable via RoleClaim
, AdminRoleName
, and FullAccessRoleName
App Store configuration.
App Store server OIDC configuration
The following chart describes the various configuration options which may be either set within
the [OIDC]
section of the server configuration ConfigMap
TOML, or set via environment variables.
The environment variable names in the table below need to be prefixed with H2O_CLOUD_OIDC_
TOML Key / Environment variable | Description | Default |
ClientID CLIENT_ID | Confidential client ID for authenticating browser requests | (empty) |
ClientSecret CLIENT_SECRET | Confidential client secret for authenticating browser requests | (empty) |
CLIClientID CLI_CLIENT_ID | Public client ID for authenticating CLI requests | (empty) |
WaveClientID WAVE_CLIENT_ID | Confidential client ID used by Apps to authenticate users. If empty, OIDC authentication is disabled for apps. | (empty) |
WaveClientSecret WAVE_CLIENT_SECRET | Confidential client secret used by Apps to authenticate users. If empty, OIDC authentication is disabled for apps. | (empty) |
WaveRedirectPath WAVE_REDIRECT_PATH | Callback address for the OIDC provider to redirect the user after app authentications | /_auth/callback |
RedirectURL REDIRECT_URL | Callback address for the OIDC provider to redirect the user to after authentication | http://localhost:8889/oauth2/callback |
ProviderURL PROVIDER_URL | URL of OIDC provider | http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master |
EndSessionURL END_SESSION_URL | URL to redirect the user to terminate their OIDC session | http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout |
RoleClaim ROLE_CLAIM | Access token claim containing the user's roles | realm_access.roles |
AdminRoleName ADMIN_ROLE_NAME | Role name assigned to administrators within the OIDC provider | admin |
FullAccessRoleName FULL_ACCESS_ROLE_NAME | Role assigned to users with "full access". If empty, all users have full access. | (empty) |
Scopes SCOPES | OIDC scopes to be granted | (empty) |
CLI authentication
All users have access to use the CLI, however, what they can do depends on the category of the user. An offline Open ID Connect (OIDC) refresh token,
generated by the user by visiting /auth/get-token
, is used to generate access tokens to authenticate each request from the CLI to the
App Store server. The CLI stores the refresh token, in addition to its other configuration, on the user's machine at ~/.h2oai/h2o-cli-config.toml
To configure the CLI, users will need four pieces of information:
- The address of the server that the CLI will connect to
- The OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider URL to obtain access tokens
- The public OpenID Client ID designated for CLI access
- A refresh token, generated by the user by visiting
while logged in to the AI App Store web interface
Visitors, a.k.a., users without "full access", have limited permissions within the platform. Users without full access privileges are considered to be visitors, and tags are used to manually assign specific app versions to OIDC roles. See the Authorization section in the user guide for details.
Visitor functionality requires that FullAccessRoleName
in the App Store configuration
be properly configured.
When creating a new tag, the administrator can specify an admin role and a visitor role to the tag. Users assigned the OIDC role that matches the admin role for the tag have the ability to assign that tag to specific apps. Users who are visitors but assigned an OIDC role that matches the visitor role on the tag can see all app versions that tag is assigned to. See Tag section of the CLI documentation on using the CLI to manipulate tags.
Users who log in with the OIDC role matching the server configured AdminRoleName
are granted administrator access to the
AI App Store. Administrators access to the administrator views within the App Store and the admin
subcommand of the CLI.
Within the App Store, the "Admin Apps" view provides administrators with a list of every app imported into the App Store, regardless of its visibility, and allows administrators to delete specific versions of apps. The "Admin Instances" view provides administrators with a list of every running instance known to H2O AI Hybrid Cloud, and allows administrators to terminate specific instances of apps.
The h2o admin
command in the CLI provides administrators with several commands, such as:
h2o admin app <get|list|delete>
- Manage apps owned by all usersh2o admin instance <get|list|status|terminate>
- Manage and inspect running app instances for all usersh2o admin secret <create|delete|get|list|update>
- Manage application secrets including global secretsh2o admin tag <assign|create|delete|get|list|remove|update>
- Manage application tagsh2o admin iam <delete|export|get|import|list>
- Manage IAM policies
Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies
Note: IAM policies are currently in beta and aren't enabled by default.
Exceptions to normal authorization rules can be granted by leveraging IAM policies, which can be authored in JSON and imported or exported from the platform by using the admin iam
CLI subcommand.
IAM policies apply to one or more resources and contain one or more statements. The policy resource limits the scope of the statements being evaluated. Statements may have the effect of either allowing or denying the request. If any one statement in any policy denies the action, then the entire request is denied.
The following is a sample IAM policy that grants users with the OIDC role SUPPORT
the ability to list and view logs for all instances regardless of instance owner and visibility setting:
"resources": ["*"],
"statements": [
"subjects": ["role:SUPPORT"],
"actions": ["instance:view_log", "instance:read"],
"attributes": [],
"effect": "allow"
Wave application instance access controls
The App Store server enforces access restrictions on which users can access running applications. See the Authorization section in the user guide for details.
Wave application user authentication
Wave applications can run as both single user instances and as multi-user instances. Multi-user instances requires users to
first authenticate with a supported OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. The OIDC session created with the Wave application is
independent to the App Store user session (including the relevant OIDC client settings and tokens).
The App Store provides an opt-in mechanism to pass OpenID Connect (OIDC) endpoint,
client, and client secret to Wave applications upon start up.
The WaveClientID
and WaveClientSecret
values in the App Store configuration
must be set to enable OIDC integration.
See Wave's documentation for more.
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