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Release notes

v0.36.0 | May 03, 2024

AI App Store v0.36.0 is a patch release with some minor improvements and fixes.


  • Updated the end-user license agreement (EULA) to v04-18-2024
  • The platformUsageEnabled variable added to helm chart. This variable allows platform admins to enable or disable the new Peak AI Unit Consumption UI page from the server config.
  • Users with Full Access or Visitors with the correct Visitor roles have access to run PUBLIC ON_DEMAND apps. For more information about user roles and access for H2O AI Cloud, see User roles in the H2O AI Cloud documentation.


Added the ability to copy app.toml code directly from the Admin Secrets UI. The admin can now copy the secrets from the list view of the Admin App Secrets page using the copy button found in the new App.toml Code column. The copied secret is already formatted in a way that allows admin to paste it directly onto the app.toml file.

v0.35.0 | April 15, 2024

AI App Store v0.35.0 is a patch release with some minor improvements and fixes.


  • Removed SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib for app launches in order to fix Python 3.12.
  • Resolved issues when installing some Python 3.12 packages that depend on setuptools which was removed in Python 3.12, providing greater compatibility with existing Python packages.


  • Administrators of AI App Store are now allowed to set default values and constraints for H2O Driverless AI and H2O Engines
  • Improved key:value pair editing in H2O AI Engine Manager and App Secrets Manager


  • Improved error messaging when app downloading is disabled.

v0.34.0 | March 15, 2024

AI App Store v0.34.0 is a patch release on the v0.33.0 release that makes AI Engines Settings only visible for super administrators.

  • Starting and stopping AI Engines such as H2O Driverless AI, H2O Hydrogen Torch, H2O-3 via the AI Engine Manager.
  • Adjusting all configurable settings in H2O AI Cloud

For more information about the settings visible to super administrators, see User access.

v0.33.0 | March 11, 2024

Appstore v0.33.0 includes support for launch profiles for apps. This allows the server administrator to configure different profiles that can be set at launch time or set a default profile per app version. Profiles can configure NodeSelectors, Tolerations, Affinity, GPU Count, and Memory, CPU Limits, and Reservations.


  • Added configurable launch profiles. A profile can now be customized with:
    • Memory, CPU Limits, and Reservation
    • NodeSelectors, Affinity, and Tolerations
    • GPU Count and GPU Resource
  • Added the capability to set a default launch profile for a particular app. This can be done in one of two ways:
    • Run h2o app set-default-profile to set the default launch profile.
    • Run h2o app import --profile to set the default launch profile while importing the app.
  • Added the capability to list available launch profiles by running the h2o env launch-profiles list command.
  • Updated goland to v.1.22
  • Fixed a bug in the AI App Store CLI with using the h2o app import --set-image command to set the app image.


  • Added a new Advanced Run app menu for selecting a profile when launching an app.


  • Removed NPM from the Python 3.8 and Python 3.9 images
  • Updated NPM in the Jupyter Python 3.10 image

v0.31.1 & v0.31.2 | January 03, 2024


  • Added openjdk-17-jdk back into launcher image.


  • Fixed a UI style issue for Beamer.

v0.31.0 | December 09, 2023


  • Added support for Identity and Access Management (IAM) auth via AWS
  • Upgraded Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 CPU images to debian_12 bookworm and removed Debian version from naming
  • Added new core app categories



  • Added filtering of app instances
  • You can now transfer ownership of an AI Engine
  • Added support for a Beamer button. If Beamer is already configured on the environment, a newspaper icon will appear next to your username on H2O AI Cloud. Clicking it will open up the Beamer panel.
  • Renamed "Pause" to "Terminate" for H2O Engines


  • Fixed the Platform Usage page to use the correct units (AI units instead of mili-AI-units) and the chart to appear correctly when all data values are zero.
  • Fixed a bug in the AI Engines selector which caused inconsistent states when switching between engine options

The debian version prefix has been dropped from the CPU images. You can now use the aliases feature to specify the old runtime name.

    - name: deb_py39   
aliases: ["deb11_py39_wlatest"]

v0.30.0 | November 18, 2023



  • Added an additional level of visibility for apps called PUBLIC. Apps with PUBLIC visibility are visible in the app catalog and do not require authentication.
  • Added an endpoint to retrieve the location or path of an app's managed instance. This lets users click on the app card on the AI App Store and directly run the instance. If no applicable instance is found, the user is redirected to the app details page.
  • Implemented RuntimeVersion Aliases
  • Set empty oidcEndSessionUrls to default to the server address
  • Enabled downloading the CLI from the AI App Store server without accessing the internet for each specific OS



  • Ability to make apps PUBLIC mode. When an application has public mode enabled and the user does not have full access, the UI will show a streamlined version for public consumption.
  • Added the ability to customize the App Store page title
  • Brand theming with customized logo and brand color
  • Redirect to /logout after OIDC logout


  • Fixed a bug for bulk actions in AI Engine Manager
  • Fixed a bug when deleting apps using admin app UI on the admin apps page
  • Fixed a bug that caused the API / CLI Page menu option to appear to users without full access when in PUBLIC mode

v0.29.1 | October 30, 2023

AI Engine Manager UI


  • Set the first AI Engine profile as the default
  • Improved the validation message for Engine IDs

v0.28.6. | October 17, 2023



  • Updated EULA
  • Removed Pillow package from Jupyter Conda Environment to improve security



  • Added a message banner to pop up when a user has already accepted an EULA, but a new EULA is present

MISC: Managed Cloud


  • Push helm chart to Managed Cloud OCI

v0.28.4 | October 03, 2023



  • Fixed an issue in launcher images
  • Deprecated the Python 3.7 GPU and CPU Image
  • Fixed a bug when using Ephemeral Volumes in custom runtimes

v0.28.3 | September 15, 2023



  • Using distroless as the base image
  • The Precondition Checker is now enabled by default
  • Added H2O_WAVE_PING_INTERVAL to the allowed wave env var list
  • The Appstore WebSocket Ping Interval is now configurable



  • Using Telemetry Service API URL from Discovery Service


  • UI fix for scrollbars on CLI/API page
  • Fixed a bug to fetch from localhost if logging service is not present

AI Engine Manager UI


  • Show fallback log page if logging service is unavailable and old logs are available
  • Do not allow resume for deprecated engines

v0.28.0 | August 15, 2023


  • Added a Runtime.AppMode container for launching docker images as apps
  • The Precondition Checker API validates whether an app is runnable and scans apps periodically for validation.
  • Added the requireRuntimeVersion config option to force apps to have a configured runtime version when importing
  • Disabled the AI Unit scanning by default in preparation for the transition to telemetry service
  • Added precondition checks for Apps to detect deprecated runtime versions
  • Added the PlatformUsageEnabled config option for enabling the Platform Usage Page.



  • Added the Platform Usage Page
  • Added Admin secret management


  • The home page is now enabled by default
  • Packaged the required fonts with the UI for air-gapped environments
  • Show MLOPs on CLI & API Access Page


  • Fixed a bug when terminating instances on the admin instance page
  • Fixed a bug with displaying the proper Run button when all instances are suspended and not owned by the current user

AI Engine Manager UI


  • Updated the user flow for creating AI Engines.
  • Added support for the node count field for H2O3 Engines
  • Added support for searching AI Engines


  • Hid the Create button for the Admin Engines Page
  • Updated engine size options



  • Added the h2o admin app import cli command to enable importing apps
  • Added the h2o app import --set-image flag for setting a container image for both regular and admin users
  • Added h2o app list --precondition for filtering apps based on their precondition status checks


  • Removed the RefreshFederatedAppPreconditions and GetFederatedAppPreconditions APIs
  • Added Python 3.10 GPU runtime
  • Added namespaceOverride config option for helm

v0.27.0 | July 05, 2023



  • Added a config option to disable app download endpoints
  • Added an admin command for redeploying an instance with the new chart and server config: h2o admin instance redeploy
  • Made tolerations and affinity configurable per runtime version basis
  • Added Instance Lifecycle to list: h2o instance list -wide



  • Added admin UI for managing aliases
  • Improvements to the CLI & API Page
  • Wait for import to finish before reloading resources



  • Made a breaking change to the RefreshFederatedAppPreconditions and GetFederatedAppPreconditions federated APIs

v0.25.3 | June 19, 2023



  • Fixed deadlock in AssignAppAttributes and RemoveAppAttributes.

v0.25.2 | June 05, 2023



  • Added the ability to emit telemetry login events on token session exchange and limit cookie session length to access token length.
  • Allowed configuration of the initContainerSecurityContext.

v0.26.0 | June 01, 2023


New features

  • Added the ability to emit telemetry login events on token session exchange.
  • Added the app name to h2o app get command.
  • Implemented a check for custom image for federated container apps.


  • Limited the cookie session length to access token length.
  • Allowed Optional Secrets for Federation.
  • Allowed configuration of the initContainerSecurityContext.
  • Allowed regular users to use alias.



  • Removed Google Analytics.
  • Added requirements.txt CodeBlock to the CLI & API Access page.
  • Replaced "My imported apps" with "AI Engines list" widget in the home page.
  • Disabled the Visit instance button if operation is not permitted.
  • App actions no longer block the user interface.
  • Added the downloads app button to the UI.
  • Allowed administrators to start managed instances from the UI.
  • Removed the H2O AI Cloud version next to the About dialog title.
  • Allowed Authorization tags to show up in the App config table.


  • Fixed the AI Engine Manager API access code template.



  • Removed duplicate resource request in the Helm chart.

v0.25.1 | May 08, 2023


  • Fixed a bug only found in in v0.25.0 for runtime version disable packages key.

v0.25.0 | May 02, 2023



  • Disabled Auto Suspension for specific instances h2o admin instance disable-autosuspend <instanceId>.
  • Added UnixODBC to ub2004_cuda114_cudnn8_py38_wlatest.
  • Disabled Init Container for Container Based Images.
  • h2o admin resume <instance> now sets an auto suspend time.



  • Added non-blocking actions and error handling for My Instances page.
  • Allowed users to copy the app name instead of the app title on Apps List Pages.
  • Users now can easily copy the version information.

v0.24.1 | Apr 18, 2023


New features

  • Users can now configure the timeout duration for bundle upload.
  • Users can now configure the database connection limits.
  • Screenshots can now be sorted in lexicographic order.


  • Added support for the Optional Env and File secrets for Apps.
  • A config option has been added for requiring CPU and memory requests/limits in app.toml.




  • Used the Cloud Discovery to fetch OAuth configuration.
  • Sorted versions dropdown in descending order on App details page.
  • Redesigned the CLI & API Access Page by including AI Engine Manager login code.



  • Restructured sections in the documentation and added more introductory content.
  • Fixed documentation URL redirects.
  • Added a button to download the latest CLI to the CLI document.



  • Added Cloud Discovery service annotations for App Store.
  • Added support for ingress level prefix routing for the discovery service in the Helm chart.

v0.23.0 | Feb 28, 2023


New features

  • Added Python CPU 3.9 and 3.10 runtimes.


  • Reduced overly verbose log messages.
  • Reduced App Store Role permissions.




  • Fixed the back button behavior on My Apps and My Instances pages.
  • Fixed the appearance of item tags in Safari.
  • Fixed the App Detail header UI when overflowing content.
  • Fixed app tables displaying "0" when there are no tags.
  • Fixed typos in the text "does not exists".
  • Fixed a bug that made restarting a failed H2O Driverless AI Engine instance from the UI.


  • Allowed API to send error messages directly to the UI in AI Engine Manager.



  • Restructured app.toml attribute descriptions into tables to be more readable/consumable.



  • Incremented packages libraries versions for the AI Notebook app.

v0.22.1-telemetry | Jan 13, 2023

New features

  • Added new fields for H2O MLOps telemetry.
  • Added support of affinity, nodeSelector, tolerations and securityContext.
  • Provided the ability to batch messages before they are sent to message queue in asynchronous server mode.

v0.22.0 | Jan 12, 2023


New features

  • Add support for S3 compliant object stores.
  • App developers can now specify the H2O_WAVE_SESSION_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT parameter in their app.toml file.
  • Supports proxying static assets for Azure Blob Storage.
  • Support for private certificates in the App Store server and apps.


  • Added support for Python apps and Nitro.
  • Icons and screenshots are now confined to static storage only.
  • The appOwnerName field has been added to the Kubernetes annotations, while the appOwner field has been added to the labels.
  • Added configurable app download timeout via H2O_CLOUD_APP_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT.
  • Reduced memory usage when uploading an app via the CLI.
  • H2O_CLOUD_UPGRADE_TOOLS has been introduced to disable pip from upgrading.
  • Emit a deprecation warning log message when analyticsId is set.
  • Avoided downloading Wave server if it's available within the Python package.


  • Resolved a vulnerability in the OpenPolicyAgent dependency.


New features

  • Added support for Model Storage events and gauges.
  • Added support for Model Scoring events.
  • Added support for eScorer events.
  • Improve scalability by adding caching to service account token reviews.
  • Introduced a standalone telemetry server.
  • The Tenant field is now filled on the telemetry server side.
  • The telemetry server now uses the Tenant field from config.
  • Provisioned telemetry service role.



  • My Apps v1.2 has undergone a redesign.
    • Users can now delete multiple apps simultaneously.
    • Search apps.
    • Introduced new design for "My Apps" table and "Admin Apps" table.
  • Made the header consistent across all the pages.
    • Fixed active styles in navigation header links.
  • Made "No data" UI consistent across all the pages.
  • EditAppPanel: Added app.toml suggestion and additional metadata.
  • Added search box and fixed back button behavior in My Instances and Admin Instances pages.
  • AI Engine Manager:
    • Added Admin AI Engines page.
    • Added view and download logs option for AI Engines.
    • API-supplied constraints as a configuration option for H2O Driverless AI and H2O engines.
    • Allowed non-editable default values in Engine configurations.



  • Added Notifications page to the Admin guide section, explaining on how to manage persistent notifications in the HAIC UI.
