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Import a dataset

H2O LLM Studio provides a number of data connectors to support importing data from local or external sources and requires your data to be in a certain format for successful importing of data.

For more information, see Supported data connectors and format.

Import data

Follow the relevant steps below to import a dataset to H2O LLM Studio.

  1. On the H2O LLM Studio left-navigation pane, click Import dataset.
  2. Select the relevant Source (data connector) that you want to use from the dropdown list .
    Data sources
    1. Drag and drop the file, or click Browse and select the file you want to upload.
    2. Click Upload.upload-dataset

Configure dataset

Once you have successfully uploaded or imported your dataset, you can configure the dataset settings.


You can upload a .zip file with both training and validation sets to avoid having to separately upload files.

  • Dataset name:
    A suitable name for the whole dataset which includes both the train dataframe and validation dataframe.

  • Train Dataframe:

    Defines a .csv or .pq file containing a dataframe with training records that H2O LLM Studio uses to train the model.

    • The records are combined into mini-batches when training the model.

  • Validation Dataframe:

    Defines a .csv or .pq file containing a dataframe with validation records that H2O LLM Studio uses to evaluate the model during training.

    • The validation dataframe should have the same format as the train dataframe.

  • Prompt Column:

    The column in the dataset containing the user prompt.

  • Answer Column:

    The column in the dataset containing the expected output.

    For classification, this needs to be an integer column containing the class label.

  • Parent Id Column:

    An optional column specifying the parent id to be used for chained conversations. The value of this column needs to match an additional column with the name id. If provided, the prompt will be concatenated after preceding parent rows.


Data validity check

H2O LLM Studio will provide a preview of the dataset input (sample questions) and output (sample answers) according to the content of the imported dataset. Review the text to ensure that the input and output is as intended, and then click Continue.

View dataset

You will now be redirected to the View datasets screen. You should be able to see the dataset you just imported listed on the screen.


For more information about viewing dataset summary and statistics, see View and manage datasets
