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Driverless AI Deployment Template for Local SpringBoot Scorer

This template contains sources of a generic Java scorer implementation for Driverless AI MOJO scoring pipiline with Java runtime, based on SpringBoot and its Docker image.

This scorer can be used to do Real-time scoring on single or multiple rows. The user needs to provide Driverless AI license key and model's pipeline.mojo file for scoring. The versions of software used to create the template like mojo runtime are listed here.


The code of the local SpringBoot scorer is a gradle project build as usual by ./gradlew build.

The resulting executable jar is located in the build/libs folder.


To run the local scorer, you can either use bootRun gradle task or run directly the executable jar:

java -Dmojo.path={PATH_TO_MOJO_PIPELINE} -jar build/libs/local-rest-scorer-{YOUR_CURRENT_VERSION}-boot.jar

Score JSON Request

To test the endpoint, send a request to http://localhost:8080 as follows:

curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d @test.json http://localhost:8080/model/score

This expects a file test.json with the actual scoring request payload. If you are using the mojo trained in test/data/iris.csv as suggested above, you should be able to use the following json payload:

  "fields": [
    "sepal_len", "sepal_wid", "petal_len", "petal_wid"
  "includeFieldsInOutput": [
  "rows": [
      "1.0", "1.0", "2.2", "3.5"
      "3.0", "10.0", "2.2", "3.5"
      "4.0", "100.0", "2.2", "3.5"

The expected response should follow this structure, but the actual values may differ:

  "id": "a12e7390-b8ac-406a-ade9-0d5ea4b63ea9",
  "fields": [
  "score": [

Note that including the fields in the response can be disabled by setting noFieldNamesInOutput to true in the input request.

Score CSV File

Alternatively, you can score an existing file on the local filesystem using GET request to the same endpoint:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/model/score/?file=/tmp/test.csv

This expects a CSV file /tmp/test.csv to exist on the machine where the scorer runs (i.e., it is not send to it over HTTP).

Model ID

You can get the UUID of the loaded pipeline by calling the following:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/model/id

Which should return the UUID of the loaded mojo model.

Alternatively, the scorer log contains the UUID as well in the form: Mojo pipeline successfully loaded (a12e7390-b8ac-406a-ade9-0d5ea4b63ea9). The hex string in parenthesis is the UUID of you mojo pipeline.

Get Example Request

The scorer can also provide an example request that would pass all validations. This way, users can quickly get an example scoring request to send to the scorer to test it. This request can be further filled with meaningful input values.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/model/sample_request

The resulting JSON is a valid input for the POST /model/score request.

API Inspection

You can use SpringFox endpoints that allow both programmatic and manual inspection of the API:

  • Swagger JSON representation for programmatic access: http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs.
  • The UI for manual API inspection: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.

Docker Image

Docker image for this REST scorer is built using Jib.

Build Image

Generation of this Docker image is plugged into the build process of this project. Run the following command in the root project directory to run the build process.

./gradlew :local-rest-scorer:jibDockerBuild

Verify that the Docker image was created, and take note of the version created.

docker images --format "{{.Repository}} \t {{.Tag}}" | grep "h2oai/rest-scorer"

Run Container

Note: Replace <version> with the version of the image you found from the previous step.

docker run \
  --name rest-scorer \
  -v /path/to/local/pipeline.mojo:/mojos/pipeline.mojo:ro \
  -v /path/to/local/license.sig:/secrets/license.sig:ro \
  -p 8080:8080 \

Notice how the desired MOJO was mounted to the container:

-v /path/to/local/pipeline.mojo:/mojos/pipeline.mojo:ro

Notice how your DriverlessAI license was mounted to the container:

-v /path/to/local/license.sig:/secrets/license.sig:ro

Alternatively, you could pass in your license as an environment variable:

First, export your license key.

read -s DRIVERLESS_AI_LICENSE_KEY < /path/to/local/license.sig

Note: Option -s, above, hides the echoing of your license so that its content is not written to logs.

Now start a container.

docker run \
  --name rest-scorer \
  -v /path/to/local/pipeline.mojo:/mojos/pipeline.mojo:ro \
  -p 8080:8080 \

See section Running above for information on how to score requests.